Who Is This Woman?

~~~Zake's POV~~~

I look at Elina with disbelief visible in my eyes. She has been driving in a high speed & continuously cursing someone on her bluetooth.

I am too afraid to even ask her what is wrong. Zaid is sitting on my lap silently, looks like he is afraid too.

"What the fuck do you mean by you can't reach him? Contact his assistant, contact the detectives. " Elina punches the steering wheel in frustration.

She stops the car & takes a deep breath, "You.. listen to me & listen to me very carefully. I want grandpa back at my house within next half an hour, If I don't find him at house when I return I'm gonna cut you top to bottom."

I gulp the lump on my throat, is she serious?

Elina again starts the car, I start to feel suffocated. So, I try to roll down the glass a bit.

"Don't. Somebody might follow us. You wouldn’t want to get shot on the head, will you?" Elina's voice was calm & stern like getting shot on the head is something normal.