Caria, took off the blindfold. and looked around. seeing everyone's faces were looking at her in shock.

Caria" was I that bad.

Everyone closed their mouths, They shook their heads, she just hit the bulls-eyes twice, and she had the cheek to say was she that bad.

Victor " not bad princess, you haven't disappointed me.

Victor turned Caria to face her targets, Caria was surprised to see she actually aimed correctly. Caria never even knew she was on target. She just shot randomly hoping to hit the targets but not the bulls-eyes, but as for the second shots she just wanted to show that she could still hit the same spot twice as so as to remove doubt of cheating.

Caria didn't know she was also a good sharp shooter, that's why victor personally trained her regarding this, she could always seem to find the target and hit the bulls-eyes.

So victor trained her to shoot blindly, especially since she could listen to her surroundings to find her target, if not hearing then smell.