Caria who was relaxing in Victor's hands got disturbed from a phone call, Seeing it was her father, She looked at Victor.
Victor "seems your fathers troubles have increased.
Caria" did you do something about this are you rushing to get married.
Victor" yes I am, I want to really marry you fast.
Caria smiled, OK then that means I shouldn't pick up and add to his worries.
Victor " great choice, now before our wedding there is something I really want.
Caria" what is it.
Victor Lifted up Caria and took her inside, heading upstairs.
Caria seeing where they were going knew what was happening ,Blushing she held him tightly. Victor gently placed Caria on the bed and leaned down on her, he kissed her.
Victor " I brought you here to cheer up and at the same time eat.
Caria" really then why don't I see the food.
Victor " its right in front of me and very delicious might I say.