Someone was following me

◓◓◓ Aly ◓◓◓

After the removal of the catheters and all other tubes from my body, I felt so liberated...

I could move now...

These days by staying confined to this room only, and by seeing some fixed face regularly I got more frustrated...

Finally, I was able to step out of my room. I felt so relieved.

I stepped out to see through the place where I was staying for so long.

As I was focused on seeing the mesmerizing view of surroundings, suddenly I felt was being followed by someone.

I became more conscious, but I behaved like nothing happened so that the follower doesn't get alerted...

As I was moving forward, my jaw left open, seeing the beautiful house. It was so big and beautiful that I forgot about the follower...

I kept wondering inside the house.. every corner of the house was very attractive. Whether it was the chandelier hanging over my head or a soft carpet on the ground, everything has a touch of elegance and modernity.