Blaze's hands and feet turned completely cold.
He doesn't know what to say or what to do.
" How could Aly leave him? Nothing big happened between them that made him commit suicide. What was his fault? " He kept thinking about it. He reached in a particular state of shock.
Meanwhile, Nyra called Ling and explained everything to them. She was behaving like a very dear friend of Blaze. She was handling everything nicely leaving no space to doubt her act.
Ling and Agatha were heading back to their home, as things weren't as serious as they were informed. Not knowing that, they were deceived by Nyra.
But after hearing everything about Aly, they immediately set out for the yacht.
Nyra was anxiously walking back and forth. It was the best opportunity for her to win over Blaze again. But she couldn't manage to say any sweet words to comfort Blaze............