Fairy tales are not reality...!

i grew up watching fairy tales.

My father was Ugly but my Mom

Was prettiest.

They fell in Love

And had me.

They always told me

True love will come to you no matter how you look.

It only need a heart

I always saw my Mom and Dad proudly walking in streets holding hands

People always talk bad about my dad.

Many tried to Pursue my mother

But my Mother only had my Dad in her Heart.

My Dad never stopped my mother on

decisions she made

She was a Model

Many men circle around her all the time during work

But my Dad never forced her to stop

He trusted her completely

And that's why they are still together.

For me My parents were everything

They were like my friends.

I also had a Brother

He was born beautiful just like my mother.

We both were different

Nobody could tell that we are siblings.

My Parents never Favour him over me.

They raised both of us equally

My brother always like me

And he cared about me a lot.

He protect me from bullies

Although he was 4 years younger than me but always stood for me.

My family give me one Lesson

Love is blind

It can only see heart

Appearance is only for greedy People

Always have hope

You will find someone

Who Cherish you


My life would never fall apart if i myself never been blinded by appearance.

How can i made mistake

How can i not see what was wrong

How can i be so foolish

After what happened to me

I will never ever love anyone

It shattered my belief of true love.

True love is nothing

Only Looks matters

I closed the doors

To hid myself in dark

I am afraid of light

The light of hope

The light of love

Even a little ray

Could break you heart

My heart was damaged

Cut was too deep

Bandage can never heal

A bullet hole

Even if it did

The scars remains their

Once broken never be the same

A long way away from home

Don't know what futures hold

Life is unpredictable over there

Alas i won't be able to repay

My Parents Love

I won't be able to hold

The string of love they gave me

I am running in the wild

All alone

Struggling to keep myself alive

How easily can words

Gives you hope

But when they changed

How easily can words

Destroyed you

And send you to Abyss

With no way out....!