Stalking Mr Stalker....!

I will follow that guy to see who is he after to.

So last night he went to that building which is very expensive area. We can't afford that.

I will wait in the lobby until he came out and then i will follow him all day.

Mom: Sammy?

Samantha: Yes Mom

Mom: Why aren't you eating your breakfast? What is in your mind.

Samantha: Mom i have to meet someone today i will back late.

Mom: Boy or girl?

Samantha: boy

Mom: Wow my baby is dating.

Samantha: Mom come on nobody wants to date me.

Mom: Honey listen to me carefully

" Don't think bad of yourself. If you don't like yourself then how will you accept others to love you?"

Samantha: Mom my makeup is almost finished. Please bought new for me.

Mom: Honey when will you be true to yourself?

I am sure if you walk out proudly just the way you are people will like you.

Samantha: You already know what happened to me when i let my ex saw my true face. They all left me on the second minute.

Without makeup i will be bully by others and these days people love the one who is prettier from the outside.

Mom: Honey you know what let me sing for you.

Samantha: Mom i am getting late.

Mom: [ There's a hope that is waiting for you in the dark

You should know you're beautiful just the way you are.

And you don't have to change a thing but world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful

You are star and you're beautiful.]

Baby you need to love yourself.


[ Mom has no idea what she's saying. She is unaware that my ex even hit me when he saw my true face. He told me that he is disgusted by me and he can vomit just by looking at me.

Was it my fault that i was born that way.

I have pimples marks all over my face. Even without them their is still birthmark on my cheeks which look so disgusting. How can i go out like that. Even with makeup people don't like me. They will bully me when they saw me without it. I can't show them my face.

I will continue living that way.]


She went inside the building and sat on the lobby. She was sure that he will come out because today Sam and Alex are going to theme park.

She waited for 2 hours until he came out.

He was as usual in glasses,hat and mask.

She was also wearing mask because she think that if he is after her brother he will surely know about her too.

She followed him from proper distance. He went to the fancy hotel for breakfast. After that he went straight to theme park.

Sam and Alex were still not there so he sat on the bench to wait for them.

She also sat down 2 benches apart.

Sam and Alex came in. They were so happy and chatting without knowing someone is stalking them.

Samantha: I have been watching him all day long. He only stood far and looked at them continuously.

He didn't make any move nor he take any ride.

What ? Now i am even more curious. I still don't know if he is after Sam or Alex.

Girls were around him for selfie.

It was his own fault. He wore purple collar T-shirt which was tight. Anybody can tell his abs by looking at him. Looks like he workout a lot.

He is not an easy competitor.

Damn Its already 4pm and i am starving.

Where is he going now?


Looks like he is also starving but again fancy restaurant. Until he is eating inside i will eat something from these food stalls.

Wow potato balls, chicken drum sticks, crispy burger my mouth is watering.

She ate her lunch.

He is still inside. Maybe he took the back door and left. Man i was so stupid. Looks like mission failed.

It's already 7 maybe i should check inside for confirmation.

Oh there he is. He is still wearing mask.

Who is that girl. She look angry. Did he just broke her heart?

I knew he is a jerk. I have to take him down before he lure Sam or Alex.

That girl has no respect. Even in this VIP restaurant she is making fun of herself.

Wow he splash juice over her. He is one big rude bad ass.

He is leaving i should continue following him.