My Sis Is So Evil...!

what profession?

Isn't he young?

How did he get job?

Simon: Sammy he is older than you

About two years.

Samantha: What Are you serious?

Simon: Yes and you will be more shocked to know his job.

Samantha: Don't tell me. What if i changed my mind.

Simon: About what?

Samantha: Giving up on being his Rival.

Simon: Since when did you become his rival?

Samantha: Few days back

Simon: Any way he is you favorite.

Samantha: Are you crazy.!

No matter what he do i cannot like someone as arrogant as he is...!

Simon: Who is your favorite singer?

Samantha: You know i love Alan Knight

Simon: Well now you know Sammy.

Samantha: No Way

Hell no!

You are joking right?

Simon: Do i look like joking?

Samantha: Wow i knew i saw him before man i am surprised.

but how can my idol who is so gentle on stage turn out to be someone that arrogant in real life.

Simon: You never know what they look like in reality.