Don't Fall For Him!

Simon: Where did you go Sammy?

" I went to see the market around "

Simon: You missed half of the firework stay here or you will miss everything.

This is only opportunity given by our University .

Suzy: Girl why did you left. I had a lot of fun. Come with me he is asking for you.

Samantha : Really? I also wanna talk to him.

Suzy: Come on then we even looked for you.

Alan: Sorry Suzy but she is not going.

Suzy: Who the f**k are you?

Alan: I asked her first to accompany me.

Suzy: Well she is my bff. She will go with me.

Samantha: I will go with Suzy.

Suzy: Ha Loser!

Alan: For real?

Samantha: Yes!

( He whispered in her ears )

Do you know how hard it was for me to stop my self at the peak.

If i didn't promised you i would've had you moments ago.

So be a good girl and stay with me . I haven't calmed yet.

Samantha: You.... Idiot

Suzy let's go.


Suzy: What is wrong with that bad a**

" He is Alan i told you about him few days ago. "