Suzy is A Deceiver......!

Alex: Simon how can you say that?

You mean you sis future will decide ours?

Simon: I only have one sister. If Alan is serious then he can go further but if he is just playing around then warned him. If ever i have to choose between you and my sister.

I will choose her without any hesitation.

Alex: Simon i am so disappointed! i am going.

Simon: Better safe than sorry.

I can't see my sis in pain. I love you but i can't bribe my love for her happiness.


Sammy they are gone. Can i come in.

" yes "

Sammy tell me what's going on?

" Sam i think i am falling for him "

Isn't it perfect? Falling for your idol?

" Sam my heart broke twice. What if he is playing with my feelings? "

Give him a chance if you want to !

I will always protect you.

" Sam but....... I don't understand my feelings. It's like love and hate both mixed up "

Sammy take a break and try to understand what your heart really want.

" Yes you're right "


* Few days Later *