I was Fool.... I truly love Samantha ♥

Knock Knock


Can i come in?


Mom i am sorry but i am coming in without your permission.....

" Do you have any business with me Alan? "

Mom can't i come to you for a chat?

" Make it quick, i am busy "

Mom please... Don't be like that....

" Why won't i? Breaking heart of someone right after made her fall for you completely? I don't want to accompany someone like that "

Mom i am sorry.... Please just listen to me once.... I am also regretting what i did.... whenever i closed my eyes Samantha's face always showed up... her innocent smile.... her words everything...... they are driving me crazy....

" So what? What's the reason of regretting it now? You have already made the desicion "

Mom the thing i feel for Sapphire was temporary.... When i saw her after many years i couldn't control my emotion.... They over-flowed and leaded me to the wrong direction.... But i now realized my true feelings.....I am falling for Samantha deeply...