i am going crazy/ Can i kiss you? ♥

Huh? What happened! When did i slept?

She arrange her hairs and clean her face because she was drooling while sleeping....

Where is my file... Oh God don't tell me somebody took it away... No that was my hard work...

" Madam Assistant have you seen my file? i have it with me i don't know where it is now..."

Oh Mr Smith take it with him...

" What? Mr Smith? when ? "

When you were sleeping like a log...

" Oh I am very sorry for my behavior... What did Mr Smith said? "

He said come tomorrow to see him...He will look at your file and make decision accordingly...

" Okay Madam i will come back tomorrow "

Please don't repeat what you did today. Mr Smith Hate people who are lazy..

" I will not.... i am sorry for today "


Damn All this happened due to Alan.... i will kill him if i saw him again.... Damn i lost today's opportunity.... Now i have to trust my hard work.... i hope he will accept it...

*Back to Office*