We can do this ♡♡ Together!!!

" Sam it's so nice to have you around...I no longer feel lonely...."

Sammy i know you can't live alone that's why i decided to come here live with you.... And you know me i also can't stay away from you...

She hold Sam's hand...

" Sam will you also support me "

About what?

" About Austin....He....He is the one i am in love with....Trust me he is a nice guy and he loves me a lot not just now but for long ago "

Sammy i am still scared and i don't want history to repeat its self...Beside i haven't judged him yet...

" Sam i know what happened in the past was bad but he made me believe in love again...I trust him...And i can't love anybody except him "

You should know i am doing this because i love you because i care about you....I don't wanna see you in that position again...I am not saying that you should stay away from him completely but try to keep a little distance until i am not satisfied.....and if anything ever happened i will kill him for real and you know that well....