You can't escape this time....!!!

Ding dong

Ding dong

Sammy open the door....!!!

* Creak *

Sammy what took you so.......Who are you? What are you doing here at this time of night?

( he grabbed his shirt )

Albert: wait i am her boss..

So what? Why are you here? What did you do to her...

Albert: Hey wait listen to me...

(Before albert could say anything Sam punched him....He fell to the ground...Sam ran inside to see Sammy...She was sleeping but his blood boiled when he saw sammy swollen lips....He come back and about to hit Albert when Albert shouted...)

For fucking sake....Listen to me.....I saved her today and bring her back safely...Somebody drugged her...Luckily i came on time and saved her."

I don't trust you...I will kill you tonight....

Albert: Ask her first she will tell you everything...

( Sam dragged him inside the house and took him straight to the room...He shaked Samantha's shoulder...)

Sammy Sammy wake up....

( She opened her eyes slowly...She Was still sleepy and weak )

" Sam? "