Everything's Arranged ....!!!

She went back to her place....Her mom called her from TV lounge...

Mom: Sammy come here...

" Coming g Mom "

Baby tell me honestly are you really in love with him?

" Mom you know me if i am saying i love him that's mean i accepted him when there's no doubt left....i never make Rash decision.....I love him Mom "

Mom: MY baby girl has grown up now ( She said while tears in her eyes )

" Mom Why are you crying? "

Mom: I don't want to send you far away from me....

" Mom please don't cry....i am not going anywhere ( She hugged her Mom ) "

Mom: You will sweetie after marrying him.... My heart is already hurting thinking about letting you go....you are my only girl....I still can't accept the fact that how fast you two grown up.... You were still a little girl born and played in my lap...start walking by holding mine and your Dad's finger....Fighting with your brother....Our house was filled with the noises of your crying , laughing and playing even now you both did the same....