Our exams were going really well. But i realized on our last paper Ash was bit worried. Why?
I asked her but she said nothing. I then asked Kinza and she told me that she is worried because she hadn't completed two important topics. She has been the topper of the class and she slept last night. She is worried if those questions would be there she will loose her position.
I then relaxed Ash and we went to the cafe. I asked her to have a coffee. Meanwhile I revised the whole topics for her. Now she was confident but still isn't satisfied with the preparation and was worried. Unfortunately one of the question was there as a long question. After the exam she was still worried. After asking she explained that she have attempted every question quite well except the long. But she was still satisfied by that.
After that we decided to have lunch together. Befor we go out i had to meet Zareen so i asked both of them to wait for me in parking area.