This Ice Cream is my Favorite


In the evening I was thinking about him when Saram called me and asked me to have dinner with him. I refused but he insisted. I was upset and I know he was trying to cheer me up.

After having dinner we had ice cream. I was still thinking about that

Saram "Why did you cry?"

Aashleena "I was tensed about paper."

Saram "After half an hour??"

I know he knows that I am lying

Aashleena " I don't wanna discuss anything about that. If you wanna discuss this drop me home then. "

Saram "Ok I am sorry. Don't be angry. "

We spent sometime together he was discussing about his experience his girlfriends and I wasn't interested in that. Although my mood had changed a lot now.

Since daytime I didn't receive a call or message from Ali. What if he met with her? What if he forgave her? My mind was thinking about many possible consequences.

After getting home I slept.