He is too hot


I got up in the morning and I was still sleeping on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me.

But he wasn't wearing his shirt. I immediately looked inside the quilt my dress was complete. I took a deep breath. I was thinking about some unusual things.

When I moved he opened his eyes.

Ali "Got up my princess?"

His voice was looking fresh now. I felt relieved. He kissed my forehead. He got up and after freshening up. He came out he had only a towel wrapped around his lower body. I was getting up when I saw him I was feeling shy.

I was looking at his hot and perfect body and abs. He was looking hotter in towel.

Ali "If the scanning process had been completed may I put on my clothes?"

He was smiling wickedly. I was embarrassed. I just turned around my eyes and tried to act normal

Aashleena "No its not like that. we are getting late."