College friends Get together


After she paid the bill. We came out. I ordered for both of us.

Alena "You still remember my choices??"

I barely remembered them. The food I ordered unintentionally was my princess's favorite.

Ali "No actually. Its Ash favorite."

After having the food we started our journey again. I just wanted the journey to end As soon as possible. I didn't ask anything about her fiancé her life anything.

Actually I had no interest in that. The only thing that was troubling me that how would i explain this to Ash.

Would she believe me? What if she don't trust me for that?

I won't let anything bad happen in our relationship ever.

The remaining journey she asked me about my love story and I happily told her about my story.

After the story ended she didn't react much. We were near the city. I asked her the location to drop her. Although I remembered that but I didn't want her to know about that.