" dear, now you look like you are good, did your common cold disappeared ? ! " asked Mrs. John.
After hearing what had told my Mrs. John, she came back to her sense and started to act that she is still having a cold.
" ( cough. ..cough ) no mom ( cough... cough ) it's not ( cough ... cough ) I can take care ( cough .... cough ) of my self ( cough ... cough ) I just need ( cough ... cough ) to take some rest ( cough. .. cough ) then I will be good ( cough .... cough ) " said Anna. She tried her best to act so that they will belive that she has a cold but she don't know that they already know that she is acting.
" baby, it's just a cold, don't be like this, you will get better when we go to the Stephen garden " said Adam with a smile, he was so gentle and so handsome.