finding the truth

Ernest saw Anna taking the tablets and asked “what happened Anna? Why are you taking the tablet?”.

“The same head ach which I use to have, no issue,” said Anna with a smile.

“you use to get this head ach, now and then, don’t you want to cheek” asked Ernest with a worried face.

“ok, tomorrow, can we go to Jain hospital?” said Anna with a smile.

“Jain hospital? Is there some thing in that” asked Ernest with a smile, seeing Anna’s different type of smile,

“you will find out tomorrow,” said Anna with the same type of smile.

“but I am curious” said Ernest coming near Anna, he is so cute while asking that.

“ok, fine, fine, let me tell you (as soon as Anna told this, Ernest nodded his head like a small baby, Anna smiled seeing this), as soon you told me that you are suspicious of my identity that me being Anna so I went and asked my mom, she told me that she found me in Jain hospital” said Anna by thinking deeply, she want to get into this.