Vanessa's POV

"Good morning, Vanessa" It has been two days since I moved into Richard's luxurious apartment that was gracious enough to have a jacuzzi and a swimming pool just at the backyard of the house. The. Inner view was stunning. It left me speechless after I saw the house for the first time.

"Hope your night was perfect?" I looked at him weirdly before dropping my bag on the table that was in the kitchen.

"More like you wish I died in my sleep, right?" He places the coffee mug that was in his hand on the table and shrugged.

"I'm not that evil, Vanessa"

"Says the man who manipulated me into signing a contract and still use every opportunity he gets to blame me for signing the stupid contract" I knew bringing up that topic will cause n early morning ruckus but I needed him to know that I will always be angry at him.