Stood up

Vanessa’s POV

That morning, I decided to drop Rachael off at Richard’s place.


“Hi” he replied from the other end of the line

“I’m on my way to your place, where are you?” I inquired because I didn’t want to stay too long at his place. I have other plans for the day.

“I had to go to the office for an emergency board meeting, I’ll soon be home” he replied and also told me the password to his luxurious apartment.

On getting there, we settled in his living room as I put on the Disney kids Chanel for Racheal while I go into his kitchen to fix us breakfast.

After waiting for what seems like two hours, I called his line and it was not going through.

I was about to drop my phone, when another call came through; it was from the office.

“Where are you? The boss is looking for you and you know how she can be when she’s under stress” it was my colleague, Felix.