Robert P. O. V.

I am the eldest son of Xavier Williams...

I only have a sister in my family , whose name is Heer Williams...

My mother die while giving her birth , my father own number of hotel chain and club... He never loved Heer because , He holds Heer responsible for our mother's death... but she is my only beloved one and for her I can do anything...

which is right or wrong it doesn't matter...

my father is the most dominating person you will ever see , he want everything according to him and he loved to see fear in others people eyes even in his own children...

I am just like him..

I am very protective only towards of my sister , I don't care about anything when it comes to Heer...

I never believe in love but the day I saw my princess Hayat, my definition for love has totally changed for me...

It's been two years I am waiting for her , she didn't know how many sleepless night I have spend without her...

And now I am turning into a psycho without her !!!