Olivia opened her hazy eyes, her head ached and her whole body felt sour. Groaning she struggled to get out of bed just to find her self in a rib belt and a bandaged shoulder.

" you're awake" Natalie said with a big smile on her face

" my head feels like Is going to blow off, what happened " Olivia asked trying to recall the past events of her life. She remembered going to kill a man after which she tried escaping just to find out that she has been cornered by men, then she dived into the sea where bullets hit her before blanking out.

" What happened?, who saved me" she asked

" Antonio did. We never abandon our brothers no matter what, that's one of the rules of this organization is" Natalie said and Olivia nodded her head.

"Have breakfast and meet us at the meeting room, the boss wants to address everyone" with that said Natalie left leaving Olivia all to herself.

She struggled out of bed and helped herself in the bathroom before eating little.