"What do you mean" Olivia questioned angrily.

"calm down and let me explain " he told her and Olivia went calm, hearing his own view and ideas of a perfect plan. He explained it to her like he built the casino himself and he knew everywhere in the casino . There was something about the way he talked and strategized that made her miss someone who left the world four years ago, she shook her head mentally insulting herself for comparing this man to her great teacher and the first man to ever love her even if she didn't return his feelings.

When he was done pin pointing the flaws she was already glued to the screen trying to find a reason to argue with him, but there was none because the man gave out the perfect plan. She didn't realize how mesmerized she was until he snapped his fingers at her making her frown. Olivia knew that a part of her told her to trust him that he wouldn't dare hurt her, but she just couldn't help feel wary of him.