Alexander drove in full speed to rescue Olivia, it was an hour drive and he finally got to the area, it was a secluded place just as he thought. He got out of the car with his gang members, everyone of them holding a different type of gun and explosives.

"You know what to do" he told them and they nodded.

He held his both pistols in his hands as he headed for the building. According to analysis they were about hundreds of boss Leo men around this place and he would let his men the job and they set the explosives secretly around the area, while five of them followed him in. Silently They sorrounded the entire place making an advantage of the night.

Alexander sneaked in with the others, climbing fences, jumping poles and avoiding death traps. They successfully got inside the building and passed many doors until he got to the one he was looking for. Finally getting to the one he was searching for, he set a another set of explosives at the door while he and his men stepped backward.