Vincent (P.O.V)

Gosh!! Now I don't see her anywhere... I ignored the stupid host.. because of him, I lost such a beautiful woman.

But with such a dim light I won't be able to find her... now, it's better to listen to his nonsense..!!

Listening to him for a while, suddenly all the lights became focused on the event's hostess... She came forward and became the focus of the attention.. and the host made the introduction...

I just saw her, and I was shocked... If she is Erza!. It means mom was right!! She is too beautiful... But she doesn't have red hair... Is she wearing a wig? Well, I don't think it matters right now...

I enjoyed her speech, and I got another shock when she hugged the red hair gentleman... if he is her father then why in the hell was she hiding from him??


The host announced the dance... Not listening to him anymore, I moved towards her to ask for the first dance but the host stopped with his nonsense and announced that it's a dance game!!

All men and women were standing in the front, and I adjusted myself according to her... As I got the same number as her...

After the card distribution.. ignoring my stomach's butterflies, I moved towards her.. but her number is 32!!

Did I miscount it?? How is it possible... I was sure I counted it right. Suddenly I recalled when the assistant came near me, a few cards had dropped from her hands...

Damn it.. the cards got switched... Otherwise, it would be me who will be her dance partner tonight!! I scolded that stupid assistant in my heart more than a hundred times and tried to start a conversation with her...

After talking to her for a while and observing her reaction, now I'm sure that my plan to lie to my mom is not going to be a lie ... The lies I thought to tell her before leaving home...When I come home I'll tell my mom that Erza is not the slightest bit impressed by me, and here it is.. she is indeed not..!!

Alexander (in a polite manner): "Excuse me... Is your number 32?"

Vincent (He has the card number 32!! If somehow I make him agree to exchange his card with me... I can dance with her...)

Erza (got panicked for a while and murmured): "Noo.."

I don't let her speak what if he got somewhere else... Then I'll miss this chance.

Vincent (immediately): "Ahh you are lucky.. you got number 32.. she has the same card!! Want to exchange it with me?"

Alexander (Rudely): "Mr. Vincent.. instead of thinking about changing partners, why don't you find yours?"

Vincent (Ahh, he knew my name? Well, it's not an important point right now... I tried to make the atmosphere light...)

Vincent (with amusement): "Well... I don't find it funny..."

Alexander (Arched his brows): "Mr. Vincent can I take my partner now?"

Vincent (Rude.. bastard... if I knew before that he wouldn't exchange the card with me, I'd never told him that she had the same card number...)

Vincent (with a frown but politely): "Yeh sure..!!"

(I think... I've got bad luck tonight)


Erza (P.O.V)

My dance partner is Alexander.. the biggest competitor for this project, and now he is standing in front of me as my dance partner..!!!

That's just great..! Now dancing with my rival is part of today's event!! Why doesn't someone tell me that I'm already married and already have two children?? Believe me; I can believe any bullshit right now in this situation...

Alexander reaches out his hand for a dance. I put my hand on his hand... Ohhhh.. my hand looks so small in his hand... What a weird sensation Erza..!!

We moved towards the dance floor. He set his right arm around my waist and held my right hand with his left hand. I held his shoulder with my left hand...

Everyone chose the way they wanted to dance, but suddenly I got an idea and teased him...

Erza: "Mr. Alexander... how about a Latin dance style?"

Alexander (understanding her meaning but still pretend it): "What about Latin dance?"
