❤️❤️You Are Playing With Fire❤️❤️

Alexander (P.O.V)

Sam (drop the doctor outside of the house and leave the house too): "Sigh.. what should I do.. I'm so good to my soon to be brother-in-law that I can't be third wheel here... umm well ahould I go inside and tease him more? Well forget about it.. he'll kick me hard surely if I Interrupt him.."

With that Sam also left the mansion..

~~Båçk tö Ål€×@ñd£® ®ööm~~

I look at her.. even through doctor give her the medicine she is calm right now.. but I can't left her like this...

I take the bath and came out in bathrobe.. I came towards my bed to look at her.. and I got shocked.. she was not there.. I look around in the room but she is nowhere.

I run outside of the room. I switch on the hall lights.. but she was not even in hall then I checked other room but she was not there either.. and suddenly the sound of breaking something make a noise in whole Mansion.

The noise came from my house bar.. I run there and the scene in front of me like this..