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Alexander (P.O.V)

Alexander: "Then I've my own ways to let you obey me..!!"

With just one force I stretch her towards me.. and she fall in my arms..

Musa (while struggling): "Leave me you beast.."

Alexander (tightly grabbed her both hands and give her a warning gaze): "I already told you not to mess with me and I won't do anything but the way you are behaving like, I'm sure you want me to do something with you.."

Musa (Irritated): "Non-sense..!! Don't conclude everything on your own..!"

Alexander (Smirk): "Exactly.. don't conclude everything on just that one night.. just lay beside me and sleep quietly..

She still didn't stop struggling in my arms.. I look at her angrily..

Alexander: "If you move or try to struggle again... belive me I'll rip your clothes.. and then I'll tell you what will happen if you won't listen to me.."

Musa (Smirk): "Do you think I'll be afraid of your threats..!!"