
Somewhere In the Dark Forest___

One Small girl is running through a dark valley of a forest . While running some small memory of betray, love, friendship is flashing through her mind ...... She is running Fast, very fast with her small feet, dried tear stain is there on her cheek.

But suddenly she tripped over a fallen branches and fall down on her knees with a thud, she tried to get up, but it's of no use she again fell down. Her all body started to ache like a Hell, because she suddenly feel that some unknown power has sucked up all her energy. That girl quietly lean her back on a tree, to rest.

But, She is not aware that two big shadow is approching toward her from behind. Seeing those two big shadow that girl slowly close her red teary eyes, but then she heard a deadly giggling voice, from behind the tree.

That Small girl slowly stood up and turn her head just to found that two men standing behind the tree, wearing a long black coat and they have a red eyes which was shining.

By seeing them Little Girl froze in her spot. She can't even scream because of shock. Its like the word she want to speak is stucked in her throat. She is in verge of having a blackout ..... but suddenly her body started to release a huge amount of light and power. Her Internal Energy is so Powerful that a certain area of that Dark valley lit up in brightness. The things that near her started to all Vanishing up.

then suddenly.... suddenly....

**ding.... ding....ding...**

Emily Jones a 17 year girl who will be 18 soon, woke up panting and breathing heavily hearing an alarm clock and she is sweating a lot because of nightmare....

Yes she was having a nightmare... A nightmare which is connected with her. A nightmare which she forget... A nightmare Which will take her toward her Mate.

(Emiley Pov°°°°)

It Almost 8 year Why I am still having this same dream everynight, No... Now it became a Nightmare to me. I hate being waking up like this. I think this dream, No.. this Nightmare is trying to say something to me.

Ohhh I am tired of this thing...


After mumbblimg with herself Emily again pull a quilt over her body and went to Sleep.

On the other side___

Werewolf World... In Royal Palace°°°°

Jackson Peterberg, The CEO of the Peterberg Company and Future Werewolf King woke up sweating and panting heavily... He put his one hand on his heart, to calm it down.

(Jack Pov°°°°)

Why I am having a same dream, It almost 8 year now. I know, it was my fault. I so was scared that I didn't help her, once I fall down and I don't even know where is she now. Is she is alive or dead?


jack garb his hair harshly and said while shouting

"Aahhh...This Guilt is eating me for 8 years. Why...Why I didn't even tried to save her. As a future Werewolf Lord its my duty to save her but I failed."

"Its not your Fault your highness, back then you were still a small child." his delta Robert said

"Yeah, I know by the way Robert did you catch him" Jack asked

"Yes Lord, He is in Peterberg Company. In Black Room"

"Then lets go to human world to settel some private business with that bastard"

"Yes Lord"

♡♡To Be Continue♡♡