//Staying at Mr. Jones House//

Bella's (Emily's sister ) Pov___

** Emily run upstairs**

Is she dumb or what and what she is calling to Lord 'Potato'. She is the real potato here. Anyway now it is my chance to please lord I will never let go of this chance, because only lord can let me go back to him.


"Your Highness Please don't mind. We have spoiled her too much. But you don't have to be worried I am here, you can ask me to do whatever you want." Bella said while giving a sedective look to lord.

but Jack didn't gave a fuck of What she is saying, He didn't even glance at her once.

(Emperor Lord Pov°°°°) *Man who hold Emily's hand a while ago*......

He is smillig the whole time by seeing Emily's behaviour toward his son. Like How she is not afarid of his cold gaze and she even gave him a nickname. He is thinking that she will change lord's Heart.

"Son shall we take our leave... You have seen her now"

"No, Dad I want to stay here until her 18th birthday . You can go back. I hope Mr. Jones don't have any problem if I stay here Right? " Jack asked coldly while looking at him

"No..... Your highness it will be my pleasure if you stay here at my house."

"So Mrs jones show us our room but make sure that it should be close to lordess room" Jack said and signal his Beta Liam to bring his luggage


In Jack's Room__

"Robert come inside..." Jack called Robert inside his room

After calling Robert inside Jack started to stripping himself and soon he is left only with boxer.

seeing this Robert become shock, because he can't figure out Jack's weird behaviour.

(Robert pov°°°°)

Did lord lost it after seeing lordess.. Or Did lordess word hurt him...but most important WHY IS HE STRIPPING.


*after stripping jack turn toward robert and take one step forward* "Robert don't you thing I am handsome? "

"yes your highness you are most handsome man I have ever seen" Robert said

"Don't you think that this muscels are very powerful this face is the hottest face ever"

"your Highness you are the most beautiful, sexy, and hot man in our whole werewolf clan"

"Then why... why did she called me potato am I a potato... didn't she feel my hotness or I am wearing a coat therefore she can't see it...."

"I am sorry your highness I don't know the reason"

"I think, I should go like this in front of her so that she can see my handsome and hot figure"

*Robert shocked Expression*

(Robert Pov°°°°)

There is definetly something wrong with lord. Just see how is he eyeing himself in mirror. I should inform this to Emperor as soon as possible.


jack turn around and approach toward robert as he was saying something to him but suddenly the Door of there room opened and there is a Bella standing in a doorway holding a Tray of food in her hand. But seeing them at that condition and position she screamed at the top of her lungs and ran downstairs.

"A....a lord I think she misunderstood something" Roberd said.

"I don't care"

♧♧To be continued♧♧

Dear potatoes after completinh this Novel you can also read it's sequal **Fate of Eternal Love** it has been updated.... Thankyou

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