//Bella's Scheme//


*In vampire castle*

"Royal Majesty I think so now its a time to clear up a thing" charlie said

"What are you saying prince I don't know anything?"

"Do you think I am a FOOL.... I know someone from the human world have helped you to catch Emily.....

Now can you please open your that damn mouth to speak out the name"

"Its Bella.....Emily's big sister"

jones House___

*in bella's room*

*Bella is continously scribbling hard on a wooden plate with a blade. She is releasing her anger and frustration in that board*

"Why.... why did she come back again? How did they leave her alive?" Its a perfect plan there is no chance that she can come back..... But she did.

I hate her..... I hate her like a hell. She is not even a full werewolf... but she is always favourable to Everyone. She has no match to me not in looks and not even in ranks...Then how... how did she became a Luna"

In Emily's room__