In Underworld___

*Two vampire were dragging bella toward castle*

"Leave me... Where are you taking me to..Alpha will not spare you if anything happen to me"

*Charlie was standing with his back face toward door.. Vampire throw her in charlie's room*

"Your majesty we have bought her"

*They bowed and leave*

"Aahh... What do want from me. If alpha know this he will kill you all" Bella said shouting

"I wonder if he will save you if he know that you are the one who is scheming against his luna" Charlie said while turning around

"Cha...Charlie you.... You are not dead"

"Yes its me..... Are you not happy seeing me after 8 years"

"Yes I am very happy. Emily will also become happy if she know this"

"SHUT UP!!!! Do you think I am an idoit. I know she forget everything about 8 years ago..... but bella you haven't change you are still scheming against your sister"

"What do you want from me?"

"Your Help"

Werewolf world___

*Jack's room___