//Who is she?//

Werewolf world___

By hearing there Luna's loud growl all of the people from werewolf world start marching toward the palace because it's a kind of ritual to pay bowed respect to her.

InJack's room___

*Emily was unconcious for 2 hours now.* "Betty, what happend to her why she is not waking up"

"Alpha i think so she is in shock and I don't know when will she wake up"

"Okay you can go now.. help jin to treat Jane"

*betty bowed and left*

Jack pov...

Emily please wake up. I will handle everything. just please wake up my love *"Alpha where is our luna we have came here to bow respect to her" a voice came from outside of palace*

Have you heard it Luna today they all have came her for there Luna not for me. Just for them please wake up.

In Vampire castle___

A maid was cleaning a castle and discussing about secret room

"Have you ever went inside in majesty charlie's study room"

"No... It is not allowed. even royal majesty has never went in that room."