
Werewolf World___

Emperor king and his minister were in a study room discussing about work and then Jack came running inside.

*huffing*"Dad what happened 8 years ago I want to know everything."

"Son, what are you saying....I..."

"Dad please no more excuse today I want to hear everything" Jack said shouting

"Don't raise your voice at me. So what do you want to hear..... That your mother is in this condition because of your future wife."

*confused* "Dad what are you saying?"

"Yes my son, She is the girl from your dream. 8 year ago vampire betrayed us they suddenly start attacking to our clan at that time they have captured Emily in order to protect her your mother give her life and now she is in coma."

"WHAT??HOW??" jack said as he wobble

"And you want to know who help them.... its Emily... she Betaryed us"

"Noooo..Dad you are lying she can't do this to us"

"So you don't believe me now...son I...."