
Without Telling Jack, Sid and Alice take Emily far from werewolf world. They were in charlie's secret house She is still unconsious. Betty and Jin were continously treating her.

"Its been 3 days now why she is not waking up Jin" charlie asked

"I don't know she is breathing but its like her soul left her body. and we can't even give more nutrient from outside of body..... What if we can't save her"

"Don't say like this she have to fight because she have another life to protect" Betty said

In Jack's Room°°°

Jack was continously throwing things here and there. His growling and screaming were not stopping. Because he can't feel his luna in that area. Its been 3 days he didn't see Emily. He became like a lost person, He was in mess.

*Robert came in room* "Alpha we have found Bella she is in Peterberg company now and also she was the last person who saw Luna"

"Where is Sid, I need him now"

*sweating* "I don't know, even Alice was not here"

"Okay lets go first meet bella"