
After Operation___

Jin came out with other werewolf doctors who were also Doctor in human world. They all bowed to Alpha and went to other direction. After they come outside Jack rush inside to see Emily.

"Wait Alpha you can't go inside" *jin said while running behind him*

*Jack grab jin's collar* "What the hell is this why Emily is unconscious?"

"Alpha we just had operation..... It will take 3 to 4 hours before Luna wake up"

After 5 hours___

Jack brought Emily back to House. Charlie had also brought christa back and lay her in coffin. Emily is still unconscious after 5 hour. Jack is becoming more and more restless as minute passes. Charlie sat beside emily and jack is walking all around the room.

"Jin why she is not conscious yet" charlie asked

"I don't know she and baby both are fine and she should wake up now"

"Okay... you can leave now"

On other side Emily is Sweating alot. Is she having a dream? No... This is Christa's Vision. She is seeing christa's vision.