❤Hey Guys I have posted my Imaginery character pic of this Novel in Community section.

Hope that fit to my Novel perfcetly.

Please take a look and tell me if you like it or not.❤

Emily was looking at Laurent with a rage in her eyes. She was helpless… she can't do anything to protect her Alpha she can't even move because Vampire is threathing her to kill with knife.

She kneeled down and start pleading to laurent to spare Jack but he is not listening. Laurent throw a hard kick to Jack's stomach where he was hurt before. Jack fall on knee while groaning in pain.

Emily eyes was teary and still red. She is loosing her all control seeing her Alpha in pain. Suddenly her body started to emmiting a black power… Her Aura is dark… Her eyes is sparkling red… Her nail stared to grow long… She is letting out a small and deep growl. Though it was a full moon day but the sky started to cover with a black colour smoke.