//I have came back//

Alice Sid and Charlie went to room where others are there. They all sat on bed and Jin started to treat his wife first.

"How is Emily?" Charlie asked

"Don't know. Senior Healers are treating her and betty is also there with her" robert said slowly getting up from chair.

There is an awkward slient between them. Its cleary seen on there face that they all are in stress. They didn't mention anything to each other but all of them have one fear in there heart that Emily's baby will be fine or not.

Treating Alice wound on her arm Jin suddenly started to cry hugging her tightely. All of them look confused at Jin. Alice understood Jin Feeling so she also hug him tightely.

"Shhh babe don't cry… See I am fine Nothing happen to me"

*Jin free her from hug and kissed her on forehead* "Alice we will not stay here anymore… I can't bear to see you like this."

*shocked* "Jin what are you saying… Didn't you said before that after Luna came into this palace you love to stay here"