◇◇Let Go Far From Here ◇◇

In Jack's Room___

The room light was off… Only Emily's sobbing sound is coming. She sat on a bed with Knee near her chest and head on knee. There is a big family in Palace who will be always there with her when she will need. But now dispite of having this big family she feel alone… Her heart feels lonely… The one she need right know is Jack. She is waiting for him.

Suddenly door opened… Emily looked up as she was expecting someone. But that Someone didn't came it was charlie He came in with a plate of food for her. He On the light and went near Emily then sat on bed.

*sobbing* "Where is Jackson?"

*keep plate near Emily* "First Eat then we will talk"

"Why didn't he came to me. Did something happen to him. Take me to him please I want to see Jackson"

* Pat Emily's head gently* "Tomorrow we will go to Human World… Just You, Me and Jin's Family"

"Why? I don't want to go there… I just want Jackson now"