●●Meeting After Years●●

At Airport•••

"Charlie are you sure Aunt will come from this block" Angela asked

"Aaa..aaa I think so Axel didn't said anything to me"

"Aish… Sometime I just think how do you maintain all work by yourself"

"Hey Girl… Trust me and don't underestimate my Talent"

"Ha… yes now call her and asked… we have been here for almost 1 hour now"

"Yes right I will call her now"

Charlie was going to call Emily but someone smack his head from behind. He groan and looked back. And saw Emily is standing there. He happily shouted and Hugged her.


*free herself from his hug* "This weird thing why are you standing at this end. We were searching you for half an hour there"

"See… I should have not trust you" Angela said while pushing Charlie aside and hugged Emily

"How are you Aunt and Where my little beast"

"Here I am Mumu" Lyuben said while poking his head behind from Emily's back

Angela pick up Lyuben in her arms "Wohh you have grown up alot… How are you?"