●●East Part●●

Emily is driving a car with a full focus of her eyes on a road and also she is fuming in anger… She suddenly stomp her feet on break and The car stop with a jerk. She turned toward Axel who sat beside her on front seat and said with a growl.

"Thats Okay we all are going home early but *point her hand to backseat* Why this man is coming with us"

"Lu..Luna How can I know that why this man… No… I mean Alpha is coming is with us"

"Then Ask him you Idiot"

"Al.. Alpha you have lis..."

"No need to speak I heard everything… *Whinning* Luunnaa… Why are you so rude to your Future Hubby"

Axel and Emily both turn there head back to see Alpha's Whinning Expression… Hearing his whinn both of they started to laugh.

"Ha ha ha… What are you doing Alpha" Axel asked

*jack sighed heavily* "Have you see this Devil… this plan is not going to work. Your Mother will kick me out of her House"

"No she will not… try again" Ben said