◇◇School Admission◇◇

Human World

Jones House°°°° At Night….

Emily came downstaries from her room. She started to search for Jackson and Ben because after Jack came in Jones house he didn't even went to her room once to meet her… but they were no where to be found so atlast she came and sat on couch beside her Dad who is watching TV and asked him…

"Where is Ben Dad?"

"Jackson is with Alice in kitchen" Mr jones replied

"But I asked about Ben not Jackson"

*Jin chuckle and said* "Do you think we don't know… Dad didn't let Alpha to go to your room. So your are eager to see him right"

*Emily throw a cusion on Jin* "Shut up… and worry about your daughter… Its already night and She didn't even came home"

*jin quickly stand up from his sit and started calling his Mate* "Yes Right… ALICE… ALICE"

*Emily smirked and said Mockingly* "I think its time for someone to Become a GrandFather now"

*Jin looked toward Emily with shocked Expression* "NO… I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN*