◇Its There True Nature◇

After all Suprises are over. They all were going to Jack's Farm house. Which is also on that mountain… at a few distance away from where they plan the suprise. All were walking together talking, Joking and giggling but Our Emily She is being a baby here…

She is not walking but jumped on Jack's arm and ask him to walk while carrying her, Jack have also agreed happily Why he will not…how can he miss the chance to touch his love. And now Emily is resting her full body weight on Jack and she herself is continously admiring the ring on her finger.

But someone is being jelouse here… Its our little lord. And Yes He should be Jelouse His Dad is carry his Mom and he himself is walking with his small feet. Atlast he stopped on his way and sighed deeply before stomping…


*Jack turn to him* "What happen my boy"

Ben: I don't understand Why Dad is Carrying my Mom instead of me. I am small here

*Everybody giggled at Ben's Cute Madness*