On the Way to Jones House°°°°

Axel is driving the car and beside him there is Jackson carrying Ben on his lap and other are on the Backseat.

Emily: Axel I heard something about You and Lily… I didn't know you were that brave to court her first. So how far did you both go?

Axel:*redden face* What are your saying Luna? Its nothing what you think.

Angela: So you don't like her.

Axel: Truely I don't know… I am attracted to her but the connection which I should feel… Its not there between us.

Charlie: But I think you should distance yourself from here… I am still curiours How can she not find her Mate. Even her Mark is not sealed. Don't you think its strange.

Jack: No its not strange because she is unwanted Wolf…

Emily: What is meant by that?

Jack: Unwanted Wolf means she was abandoned by her Mate or her Mate died before mating.

Angela: But What if Axel is destined to have Mate… It will be intresting to see there Love Traingle.