▪▪The Hidden Truth▪▪

Axel's Room°°°°

Axel is on bed and Daisy is in front of him. He kept holding her both hands while staring deep into her eyes.

"Are you planning to keep staring at me whole night" Daisy asked

"Kind of" Axel said playfully

"Cool then Continue… I am also free tonight"

"Silly, I am just learning to control myself"


"Because if we get intimate suddenly. Your sweet blood scent will devour and I'll end up sucking your blood."

*Daisy widened her eyes* "Hey.. Why we will get Intimate?"

"What type of question is this? Okay so Why we will not, You know I am dying to cuddle you bu…

*Daisy quickly pull her hand from Axel hold* "I..I think you should go now.. No..No. I mean I should go. Good Night"

Daisy quickly got up from bed and dashed toward, door leaving Axel all confused, before leaving from room she turned to him and said…

"You know, you are so cute and we still have some time before doing it. So control your thirst well" *Daisy leave the room*

Axel Pov°°°