
Despite of Emily's warning, Alice still went near her. But Emily didn't let Alice to touch her, she again shout at her…


Alice paused in her way after hearing Emily's anger bust because she don't want to upset Emily more. Jack went near her and pick her up in bridal style. She hold onto his neck tightely and said...

"Take me away from her. I don't wanna see your sister"

"But Babe listen its...."


Emily growled loudly, Jack became quiet, He didn't said anything more to her and took her outside of palace. At that Jin came inside, He approach toward Alice and hug her from behind to comfort her.

"Alice don't worry everyt…"

"I didn't saw this coming Jin. How did this all happen all of sudden"

"Sweety, This is not something that should be stay hidden our all life"

"Bu..but did you hear Emily's growl. She is damn hurt. I don't know how to face her"