As we know Charlie is waiting for his Mate in Rainy Night for continous 4 hour. To show his Love for Angela, and to take her back with him. But Charlie didn't know that He is not alone in that Dark Rainy Night, Angela is also Admiring him from a little far.

"Mumu you are standing here for almost 2 hours now and who is that Man? Why are you wasting your time on staring at him... What if Lord Charlie know this, He will be very furious"

One of the Warrior Rank Werewolf said, Who is with Angela is Continously Babbling, Because She is not going inside the palace and Even stopping that Werewolf to go in his house.

"Mumu are you Listening… pls I am tired of standing here for no reason… How can you do…"

"Shhhhh… I am not staring at any other person. He is Vampire Lord Charlie"


Hearing this that Werewolf widened his eyes and quickly started to fled toward Charlie, but Angela grab his hand

"Where are you going?"

"To fetch Vampire Lord, He is soaking in Rain."