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Early Morning°°°°

Angela is wandering on green grass alone while holding Charlie's chain in her hand. Lately she being like to stay alone, Her Happy and Naughty self is vanish somewhere. She didn't even like to talk to anyone.

Angela's Pov°°°°

*staring at Charlie's Chain* Where did you go? You said you will come to take me back, then where are you, I am waiting...

Charlie, I regret… I regret playing with you. I am Sorry. But pls come back. I going insane, I can feel you everywhere...


Angela pray everyday and wish for Charlie's comeback. After coming to sense she didn't cry one drop of tears but rather she is quiet whole time. Emily and Alice is watching Angela from first floor window. They feel too helpless, when they see this unknow sad Aura of Angela.

"I can't see her like this." Emily said

"No one can. Her health is all better but her heart is in mess" Alice replied

"Did you tried to take her out of palace? I think she will feel better"